March 2, 2011

Cotroceni International Women Tournament

As a woman player, I am very happy to see that more and more tournaments are being organized for us. While strong players are fighting right now in the Grand Prix from Doha, Qatar, I am proud to say that here, in Roumania, a similar event will start today!

The tournament is a closed women competition, held between 1st and 11th of March, in Bucharest, and it reached its second edition. 

Held under the High Patronage of Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania, with the support of SCM Bucharest, Apa Nova ACS, the Department for Sport and Youth Bucharest and Municipal Chess Association Bucharest, the event will take place at Cotroceni Palace.

All games from this competition will be broadcast live over the Internet on the Official Website. 

A few technical details: 

  • 10 players, with an average rating of 2455 elo points; 
  • Fide category: XVII
  • Time control: 1 hour and 30 minutes for 40 moves, plus 30 minutes for the rest of the game; an increament of 30 seconds is added starting with move 1.
  • Draw proposal: a draw is not accepted before move 20.


  1. Muzychuk Anna 2528, world rank (women): 8, Slovenia.
  2. Zatonskih Anna 2499, rank: 16, USA.
  3. Socko Monika 2495, rank: 19, Poland.
  4. Muzychuk Mariya 2476, rank: 24, Ukraine.
  5. Gunina Valentina 2472, rank: 28, Russia.
  6. Ushenina Anna 2454, rank: 37, Ukraine.
  7. Repkova Eva 2446, rank: 41, Slovakia.
  8. Turova Irina 2428, rank: 50, Russia.
  9. Peptan Corina-Isabela 2415, rank:62, Roumania.
  10. Cosma Elena-Luminita 2343, rank: 120, Roumania.

Competition schedule:

Parliament Palace - Club Parliamentarians Ion Ratiu

   March 1st Press Conference - 15.30 pm
   March 1st Technical Meeting - 16.00 pm

Cotroceni Palace
   Opening Ceremony March 2 - 15:30
   2 March Round I - 16.00
   3 March Round II - 14:30
   4 March Round III - 14.30
   5 March Round VI - 14.30
   6 March Round V - 14.30
   7 March Round VI - 14.30
   8 March Rest day
   9 March Round VII - 14.30
  10March Round VIII - 14.30
  11March Round IX - 10.00
  11March Closing Ceremony - 16:00

Organizing committee:

Organization: Dan Radu Zătreanu - President

Dan Gabriel Păsărelu - Coordinator
Nicolae Turcuman - Apa Nova President SRA
Vasile Carje - President ASM Bucharest
Valentin Samungi - President SCM Bucharest
Dan Petre Popa - Image advisor
Inocentiu Voinea - Advisor P.R.

Cotroceni Palace: 

The tournament hall is situated in the Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest, which is the residence of the President of Roumania - a symbol of appreciation and high respect to our beautiful sport.

Cotroceni Palace

Situated in a superb garden, the Cotroceni Palace presents the architectural design of a distinct unity. Built around a monastery constructed by Şerban Cantacuzino at the end of the 17th century, the whole construction reflects 3 centuries of Romanian history.
Built between 1893 and 1895 by the French architect Paul Gotreau, and then expanded further in the 20th century, Cotroceni palace reveals its sumptuousness from its very entrance. 
Throughout the years, the elegant studies have represented the place of some important decisions taken by great personalities of Romanian history. Even today, Cotroceni Palace represents the premises of Romania’s Presidency.

The palace seen from inside.
Image from the previous edition.

I hope more and more women tournaments will be organized. We usually fight until the very end, we don't really know what a "draw" means, a lot of passion and emotions can be seen on the boards...a very interesting chess and psychological battle that shouldn't be missed! 
Good luck to all participants and a beautiful spring to all of you!


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